The Top 10 Cutest Fairy-Type Pokemon
As part of the eighteen Pokemon types, the fairy-type was first introduced in Pokemon X and Y games as a part of Generation VI. They’re mystical, often pink, and always cute! They’re resistant to dragon and dark types while remaining weak against steel and poison types. Many of these cute fairy-type Pokemon have mysterious origins...

Pokémon25: Celebrate 25 Years of Pokémon!
Can you believe that Pokémon has been around for twenty five years already?! What did anyone do in the twenty five years before that?! We’re just kidding, but it’s no far stretch to say that Pokémon is a huge and meaningful part to so many of our lives, intertwined with some nostalgia, a little bit...

The Top 10 Cutest Bug-Type Pokemon
Are you scared of bugs? Don’t worry, these cute crawlies are far from frightening. They’re more interested in worming their way right into your heart. Here are our picks for the top ten most adorable bug-type Pokemon. 1. Combee Elemental Type: Bug/Flying Cute level: 6/10 Evolves from: N/A Evolves into: Females evolve into Vespiquen The...

Pokemon Cafe Tokyo: 10 Things to Know Before You Go
If you love Pokémon, then you have to visit Tokyo’s Pokémon Cafe. Everything from the food and decor to the giant chef Pikachu helps to welcome and immerse you in the world of Pokémon. However, there are a few things you need to know before going. We’ve put together a complete list to make sure...

Choosing a Starter Pokémon
Picture this: you’ve been waiting and waiting for what seems like forever to get your hands on the newest Pokémon video game for your Nintendo Switch. It’s felt like an eternity since you first heard the announcement about the newest game’s upcoming release, and today the wait feels all worth it, as it’s finally the...

Rare Catches in ‘Pokémon Go’
When the mobile game app Pokémon Go was released in 2016 on iOS and Android, it took nearly no time at all for it to become one of the biggest gaming hits ever, and it’s by far the absolute biggest hit the world has seen yet for an augmented reality game! A product of a...

Why Is Japanese Stationery So Good?!
From mechanical pencils that rotate as you write and top-of-the-range brush pens to nifty pencil cases, rollerball pens and beautifully crafted paper products, the best Japanese stationery is synonymous with quality and innovative design. If buying new stationery and trying out some new fountain pen ink is something that brings you great joy, then there...

The Best Pokémon Memes – When Fans Write the Script
Cover image sourceFrom shocked Pikachu, to ageless Ash, to terrible at being terrible Team Rocket, the internet loves a good Pokémon meme. Indeed, even your grandmother probably recognizes the cute electric mouse. So with each new social media platform that emerges, it’s only a matter of time before the meme battles begin! Memes have been...

How Well Do You Know Pokémon Evolutions? Take Our Quiz!
When it comes to Pokémon and their evolutions, there are a multitude of characteristics, themes, trends, and even a few one-off stylistic choices that sometimes make perfect sense, but at other times could possibly throw one for a loop (in a good way, though!). All throughout the popular anime series, which has over 1,110 episodes...

Haida, Aggretsuko’s Lonely Hyena, Should Totally Get Together with Retusko in Season 4. Here’s 5 Reasons Why!
Aggretsuko’s Haida and Retsuko have had an uncertain relationship that rivals that of Ross and Rachel from Friends. Mainly due to Haida’s inability to confess to Retsuko, the two’s love life has remained uncertain during the past 3 seasons. But it looks like season 4 of Aggretsuko is fixing to change that. Warning, if you...

Pokémon Sweet Treats & Snacks: Catch ‘Em All, With A Plate!
When it was first broadcast to audiences outside of Japan, nobody could have imagined the iconic status these adorable Pocket Monsters would reach. Twenty five years later, Pokémon, especially Pikachu, are recognized all over the world. Avid fans, who maybe started with cards (are we dating ourselves here?) can now access almost any kind of...

Pokémon-Inspired Fashion Never Misses a Beat
People all over the world, even people right down the street, can be very different from one another with their own likes and interests, not to mention personalities, that help to make them unique. This individuality is what makes the world go around and the main ingredient that adds spice to life. However, if there’s...