The Top 10 Cutest Dragon-Type Pokemon
Dragons were once seen as the ultimate monster to strike fear into the heart, creatures to be killed while saving princesses. But today, these toothy, fire-breathing creatures are portrayed as more cute than scary, with franchises like How to Train Your Dragon and Dragontails showing dragons as friends to form bonds with. Pokemon is no...

The Top 10 Cutest Fighting-Type Pokémon
These Pokemon might look cute and cuddly but beware once they start fighting The Fighting-type Pokemon is one of the most popular types. It’s no wonder there are so many cute ones to choose from! We will be discussing Top Ten cutest fighting-type Pokemon. We won’t be including any of the super or hyper types....

The Top 10 Cutest Rock-Type Pokemon
As part of the original starter Pokémon, rock type pokemon were first introduced in Pokemon Red Blue. There are 76 different rock type pokémon. These pokemon stand out for their great defence against physical attacks however like grass type pokemon they have the most weaknesses. Rock-type Pokémon mostly resemble biological organisms and creatures with armor...

The Top 10 Cutest Poison-Type Pokemon
When you think cute your mind doesn’t automatically jump to poison-type Pokémon. Most people picture grass type or water-type Pokémon, those adorable starter Pokémon that have carved out a special place in our hearts. You won’t find many poison types on top ten lists however, cute poison type pokemon do exist. Once you’ve seen the...

8 Cute Anime Couples We Love to Love!
People watch anime for so many reasons. It’s exciting, transports you to a different world and you can even learn something educational. Past all the great fight scenes and filler episodes the one thing that keeps us all on the edge are the cute anime couples. The “will they, won’t they” dynamics keeps viewers locked...

YumeTwins April 2021 Giveaway & Reviewer Contest Winners Announced!
YumeTwins’ April 2021 Giveaway & Reviewer Contest Winners Announced! Good day, YumeTwins fam! Hope everyone had a nice April. Anyway, to start a new month with a bang, we’re here to announce the winners of our April Giveaway! Let’s see the list of winners below: Courtney H Sasja B Hannah H Stefania V Tai P...

YumeTwins | June 2021 Theme – Ghibli Lunch Date
Introducing our ‘Ghibli Lunch Date’ box theme! Dear YumeTwins Fam, Of the beloved Studio Ghibli movie repertoire, surely quite a few films hold a special place in your heart. Your favorite elements might be the stories, artwork, music, or the nostalgic atmosphere that many of the films bring about. But the aspect that seems equally...

The Top 10 Cutest Grass-Type Pokemon
When it comes to cute Pokémon, grass types have long had a distinct advantage. The third most common type of Pokémon you’re likely to encounter, these nature-inspired specimens punch well above their weight in the beauty department. Whether due to their frequent resemblance to flowers and plants, or their often changeable or seasonally-determined appearance, grass...

The Top 10 Cutest Electric-Type Pokemon
When we talk about Pokemon, one of the first names which come to mind is Pikachu. Pikachu is not only cute and cuddly but also pretty electrifying. In fact, Pikachu falls into the category of an electric type Pokemon. The cute electric Pokemon not only shock their opponents with their unbounded energy, but their cuteness...

Rilakkuma Teaches Us How To Relax and Embrace a Stress-Free Lifestyle
Rilakkuma is the infamous teddy bear with a zipper on his back, lounging, spending time with his friends and consuming 24/7. That zipper in his back caused a debate of whether he was just a man in a costume or if he was a real bear or not. Nonetheless, Rilakkuma and his friends have gained...

The Top 10 Cutest Water-Type Pokémon
From all the elemental types in Pokémon, water types are definitely bubbly, round in design and many of them have a type or shade of baby blue in their character design. Most water Pokémon designs are inspired by real-life aquatic animals. If you think seals, sea lions, goldfish, ducks, and jellyfishes are the most adorable...

YumeTwins March 2021 Giveaway & Reviewer Contest Winners Announced!
YumeTwins’ March 2021 Giveaway & Reviewer Contest Winners Announced! Hey there, YumeTwins Fam! Hope everyone’s healthy and well. Anyway, we’re here to bring an exciting announcement for the winners of our March Giveaway! Let’s see if you can find your name on the list below: Anna S Jennifer M Sara H Abigail G Brooke R...