Where To Buy Studio Ghibli Goods And Plushies in Japan!
A fan of Disney? How about cute plushie Japanese mascots? If so then you probably love Studio Ghibli too, you did click on this article after all! And if you’re travelling to Japan soon and wondering where you can get Studio Ghibli goods? We’ve got you covered! Of course the Studio Ghibli Museum is somewhere...

Top 10 Japanese Kawaii Characters
In Japan there’s an abundance of cute mascots and cafes as well as kawaii characters and endless kawaii plushies! Arguably the reigning champions of the kawaii character companies are Sanrio and San-X with an impressive collection of kawaii characters between them. We at YumeTwins decided to list our top 10 all time favourite kawaii characters...

Disney Japan’s Exclusive Kawaii Plushie Mascot Characters!
Japan has a ton of plushie mascots like these ones, but did you know Disney Japan has its own exclusive plushie mascots? Duffy the bear was originally created not as a standalone character but just as Mickey Mouse’s teddy bear in the early 2000s, however he failed to gain any traction abroad. Despite this, in...

New Rilakkuma Re-Ment Honey Garden Announced
We’ve been spoiled rotten here at the YumeTwins office with all the delicious goodies coming out lately, like the Peach Starbucks Frappe and all these choco mint goodies! But check out these delicious looking (yet non edible!) new San-x Rilakkuma goodies from Re-Ment! Although I’m an avid plushie collector myself, I do also enjoy collecting...

Japanese Artist Creates Cute Lifelike Cat Plushies from Wool!
After stuffing yourself full with cute cat themed sweets at this Japanese cafe and giving yourself brain freeze by drinking the new Starbucks peach Frappe too quickly, you just want to snuggle up with your plushies at home whilst scrolling through YumeTwins feed, right? During which you may have seen this Japanese artist Wakuneco who...