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Cardcaptor Sakura: One of the Magical Girl Greats!

Cardcaptor Sakura: One of the Magical Girl Greats!

The magical girl genre appeals to many fans worldwide because it explores how wonderful it would be to suddenly learn that our world is full of magic. To wake up one day and have everything you thought you knew turned completely upside down, with the fantastic bonus of knowing that you can cast magic. And for...

February 28, 2025Read More

YumeTwins | August 2020 Theme – Fun in the Sun

Introducing our ‘Fun in the Sun’ box theme! Dear YumeTwins Fam, Happy August! Have you been enjoying your summer break? August in Japan is a time of rest, family, and enjoying the sunshine outdoors! This can be one of the hottest months though, which is why we’re happy to bring you our Fun in the...

July 02, 2020

Major Shipping Method Updates 6/25

[Table of Contents] Tip! Use CTRL+F (or command + f on Mac) to easily find the topic you’re looking for. Delays & April/May boxes: 1. Priority Shipping (Japan Post) 2. Country Specific Delays 3. Returned & reshipped April and May boxes – When will my box arrive? 4. Can I cancel my April or May...

June 26, 2020

YumeTwins May 2020 Giveaway Winners Announced!

YumeTwins’ May 2020 Giveaway Winners Announced! ´・ᴗ・` Hello YumeTwins family! The winners of YumeTwins’ May Giveaway are finally announced! Check to see if you’re one of the 10 winners on the list below: Leigh W Mariam C Pinlin Willem T Maryam A Kerstin P Siyuan L Eliza B Ming K Kaira S CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL...

June 02, 2020

YumeTwins | July 2020 Theme – Work Kawaii, Play Kawaii

Introducing our Work Kawaii, Play Kawaii box theme! Dear YumeTwins Fam, What’s the quintessential item? Our computers! Desktops, laptops, tablets, even smartphones–whichever one you use most, they’re all incredibly helpful and we wouldn’t know what to do without them! Whether you’re studying, working from home, or enjoying hobbies like gaming or art, your desk space...

June 02, 2020

Top 5 Cute Japanese Good Luck Charms!

A good luck charm, or amulet, is an item that is believed to bring good luck. Whether you want to believe in it or not, we could all use a bit of extra luck from time to time, right? In Japan, you can find lucky charms, also known as (engimono), in various shapes and sizes....

May 15, 2020
Kawaii Characters

A Must Visit Cafe for Totoro Fans!

A Hidden Gem for Ghibli Fans! Source If you are a Studio Ghibli fan, there’s a cozy café bakery in Tokyo that you have to visit, Shirohige’s Cream Puff Factory. Shirohige’s Cream Puff Factory is actually the only bakery in the world with official permission from Studio Ghibli to make confections in the shape of...

May 11, 2020

5 Super Cute Japanese Yukata Patterns!

When you think about summer in Japan, yukata is one of the things that will surely spring to mind. Yukata is one of many traditional Japanese attire. It’s lighter and thinner than Kimono, and is usually worn to casual occasions such as Japanese festivals (Matsuri). Many yukatas also have beautiful patterns such as flowers and...

May 07, 2020

YumeTwins April 2020 Giveaway Winners Announced!

YumeTwins’ April 2020 Giveaway Winners Announced! ´・ᴗ・` Hello YumeTwins family! The winners of YumeTwins’ April Giveaway are finally announced! Check to see if you’re one of the 10 winners on the list below: Tiffany C Jennifer H Samantha W Adna V Cinthia C Stephanie N Ong L S Maria D C Meleknise F S Kiera...

May 02, 2020

YumeTwins | June 2020 Theme – Ghibli Night-In!

Introducing Ghibli Night-In! Dear YumeTwins Family, That’s right! We received such awesome feedback about last month’s Ghibli’s Delivery Service box, that we wanted to share one more month of Studio Ghibli goodness with you! This time, we’ve included lots of different items for you to enjoy! Home is where the heart is–as the old adage...

May 02, 2020
Kawaii Fashion

5 Ways to Incorporate Kawaii Style into Your Wardrobe

Who doesn’t want to look more Kawaii? Kawaii means cute in Japanese and can represent so many things. For example, if you walk past a store in Japan and there’s a cute plushie inside it you might want to say “What a Kawaii plushie!”. A lot of japanese fans even turn this into a style...

May 01, 2020

5 Of Our Favorite Sakura Sweethearts In Anime!

Since it is the Spring season, the word “Sakura” is becoming more commonly used in Japan. Ranging from the world famous Cherry Blossoms, to Sakura Mochi, spring-time in Japan is really the season of Sakura. But did you know that Sakura is also quite a popular female anime character name? Let’s take a look at...

April 17, 2020

UPDATE 5/4: Regarding Japan Post and shipping of your box

Dear YumeTwins family, Due to the uncertainty of recent global events and the impact of COVID-19, many in our community have reached out to us with questions. We wanted to keep you informed with an update from Japan Post. On April 1st, 2020 Japan Post announced that mail services for a total of 155 countries...

April 09, 2020
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