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Cardcaptor Sakura: One of the Magical Girl Greats!

Cardcaptor Sakura: One of the Magical Girl Greats!

The magical girl genre appeals to many fans worldwide because it explores how wonderful it would be to suddenly learn that our world is full of magic. To wake up one day and have everything you thought you knew turned completely upside down, with the fantastic bonus of knowing that you can cast magic. And for...

February 28, 2025Read More

YumeTwins February 2023 Reviewer Contest Winners Announced!

We’re happy to announce the winners of the February 2023 Reviewer Contest, so without further ado let’s see our lucky winners here!

March 31, 2023
A woman wearing spring Japanese fashion in the form of a light purple shirt, a blue miniskirt and holding a bouquet of flowers.

Japanese Fashion: Sakura Spring Edition!

In Japan, there are numerous fashion styles to observe and try. There’s something for everyone, from traditional kimono, looks to modern casual outfits to cosplay!

March 30, 2023
Kawaii Time
A bunch of colorful BT21 plushies on display.

BT21 Plushies: The Cutest Plushies Ever!

The K-pop group BTS has plushies called BT21. Currently, BT21 is available in various merchandise collections, but their plushies are the most popular!

March 28, 2023
A school girl in an anime with sakura scene with petal falling around her.

Anime with Sakura: Best Hanami Scenes!

See how prominent anime featuring sakura reflect hanami, the Japanese tradition of cherry blossom gazing! Let’s look at the beauty and meaning of hanami scenes in anime with sakura!

March 28, 2023
A bunch of pink sakura cakes and sweets with a cup of tea.

A Cup of Tea: Best Sakura Afternoon Tea

Sakura (Japanese cherry blossom) is a symbol of spring in Tokyo. The city is transformed into a dreamy landscape of dancing pink petals as the cherry trees reach their peak bloom.

March 28, 2023
Hands holding an anime jewelry purse. It's bedazzled with a pink ribbon.

Anime Jewelry: The Cutest Accessory!

Anime jewelry has recently been trendy, particularly among anime and manga enthusiasts. With a focus on cuteness and charm, these beautiful jewelry pieces reflect the essence of famous anime characters or themes!

March 27, 2023
A woman wearing Easter bunny ears and taking pictures.

How Many Days Until Easter Celebrations in Japan?

Japan is known for celebrating many Western holidays like Christmas and Valentine’s Day. But one new holiday that has been picking up interest in Japan is Easter!

March 15, 2023
A plate of sakura mochi, which is a snack the people enjoy while gazing at the cherry blossom petals falling.

The Best Spring Kawaii Food You Need To Try!

Springtime in Japan means cherry blossom season and hanami! During this time people gather together to enjoy picnics under the blossoming trees to enjoy kawaii food and drinks!

March 09, 2023
A Nintendo Switch depicting the starting screen for Super Mario Party. This game has lasted NIntendo throughout the

Nintendo History: Through the Ages

From consoles to popular franchises, Nintendo’s one of the best innovators in family-friendly entertainment, so let’s take a closer look at its history!

March 04, 2023
Hangyodon a half fish half man Sanrio mascot, wears a pinstripe suit and tips off his hat to reveal a red octopus.

Happy Birthday, Hangyodon!

Hangyodon is one of the lesser-known Sanrio characters, and his birthday is March 14th! He’s an adorable half-fish, half-human creature with many friends and hobbies! Let’s deep dive into his history with his celebration on the horizon!

March 02, 2023
A man giving a woman a gift on White Day.

White Day in Japan

White Day is a day you can receive gifts, especially delicious candy, cookies, and, most importantly, chocolate from your best friend or loved one!

February 28, 2023
A layout of the blood typing chart showing the letter A B O and AB in a handcrafted art medium.

Blood Typing Chart: Meanings and Anime Characters!

In Japan, blood types are a popular way to understand people’s personalities and love compatibility. Understanding your blood type can be fun to learn about your friends, family and favorite anime characters!

February 28, 2023
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